Team Goal

As a team we strive to educate and onboard the public on our product's function and capabilities. Our team builds impactful tools for our ecosystem and Defi as whole.


Balancer DAO is the decentralized autonomous organization which encompasses the Balancer community. An architecture of Sub-DAOs has been voted into practice by a governance vote.The major actors in the community may be appointed or removed from any positions they hold in the sub-DAOs. You can learn more about the Sub-DAOs on our super hub linked here.

Community Development

The Community Developer subDAO aims to accelerate the development of impactful web3 tools on top of the Balancer ecosystem. It thrives by open- and crowd-sourced initiatives. We value open source transparency, collaboration amongst our community, and conviction in those who choose to help build for Balancer.

Learn about Balancer will highlight key elements of our protocol, increasing understanding and interest in Balancer. We hope to not only educate but empower new members to participate in our community and sub-DAOs.

Last updated